Friday, June 21, 2013

Thank You!

Dear Families,
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for taking the time to read this blog and take interest in your child's academic life. I also wanted to thank you for all of the help and support that you have given to me (and to your child) throughout their First Grade school year! The children have grown so much both socially and academically. They have made so many gains since they came to me in September. Each student made progress at their own rate and I am a very proud teacher. I am going to miss them all so very much. They will each hold a special place in my heart. I hope they always remember their First Grade experience. I wish you a fantastic and safe summer. Please keep in touch! 
                                                                With Gratitude,
                                                                Mrs. Morgan

Monday, June 17, 2013

End of Year Celebration

Hi Families!
Tomorrow night is our end of year celebration. We will begin with a slideshow and then end with a short performance by the students. If you could plan to arrive promptly at 6:00 or a few minutes before, that will help so that I can start it right at 6:00. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Poetry Celebration

Hi Families,
Tomorrow, please arrive at 9:45 as we would like to begin right around 9:50 to ensure that all children are able to read their poems within the time before we go out to recess. Thank you and see you tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Reader's Workshop - Characters!

We have been working so hard on learning to get into the mind's of the characters we are reading about, notice feelings and make inferences about the characters, learning how to "direct" scenes with partners, and work in a book club to read and discuss books with the same characters. We had a ball in these book clubs and are ending this fun unit with some artwork! The students worked with their same book club members to draw and color in a very large illustration of the main character from their books. Then, as a group, they collaborated together to come up with a list of traits that go with that character which are glued around the body. The discussions were so great to hear. I listened in and got to hear students asking the question I want them to ask when talking about books, "What makes you think that?". They were also giving their evidence from text to support the trait that they felt the character had. I am constantly so impressed with their learning! Here are a few pictures of students engaged in their book club reading as well as some work in progress. More pictures will follow with the finished products!



Monday, June 3, 2013

A Funny Post for the Parents

I came across this blog post (Maybe you also have!?) and had to laugh and appreciate it a bit as both a teacher and parent. I am sure you can, as well! Hope this makes you laugh a bit as we near the end of the school year!