Saturday, September 27, 2014

Apple Picking!

We had a GREAT day for apple picking. The weather was perfect! The kids were so well behaved. They are all excited to turn those apples into something yummy! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Hi Families,
I accidentally gave FIVE sight words this week instead of the usual four. All weeks going forward will only have four words. Thank you for your help in your child's homework! Tomorrow the book baggies and reading folders are due. Please do not return sight word notebooks until Friday. Lastly, if a Math homework comes home it is typically Tuesday and Thursday night. Please check the blue folder. Math homework should come back the following day.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Apple Picking

Hi Everyone!
 I have pulled the names for the two chaperones so if you have not heard from me by now,  thank you so much for offering to join us and should anything change I will be in touch. As of now the weather looks to be nice! Please make sure your child wears sneakers and please apply sunscreen before you send your child to school. Also remember to pack a bagged lunch. Thank you! We are looking forward to it!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Sight Word Homework

Today I went over the process of the sight word homework with the students, along with going over each word, spelling it and putting all four in ABC order. Please encourage NEATNESS. I explained that they may use two lines as one, as the lines are very small for our little First Graders. Also, anyone that is not able to get a glue stick, please let me know and I can send one home from my stash. That's it for now, feel free to email with any questions!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Reader's Workshop/Writer's Workshop

This week in Reader's Workshop we learned about the three ways to read a book. Students learned that they can read the pictures, read the words, or retell the story. We practiced this independently and in partnerships. We also learned how to be a good buddy reader and had a chance to read with a buddy, trying different ways to read a book together. Students are doing so well at building their stamina already. I am so proud of them! In Writer's Workshop we have just started with launching the workshop. Students are learning that as writers they need to think of their topic, sketch, and write. They are learning that when they think they are done, they have just begun. They can always add more whether it is to the drawings or the words. They are learning to be independent and get paper as needed when they are ready. All students will work at their own pace! Students also had a chance to share one of their first pieces of writing with a buddy. Here are a few pictures of this week in literacy.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Open House!

I look forward to seeing you at Open House tonight at 6:00pm! Please remember this is a child free event. Thank you!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Reminders and a Challenge!

-Tomorrow is YELLOW day! 
-Please send in your child's favorite book tomorrow for Reader's Workshop.

Today in Writer's Workshop we read a great story, "Dear, Mr. Blueberry". We learned that writers write for many purposes. We then learned the five parts to a friendly letter and wrote a letter to Mr. Blueberry from the class.  Please ask your child to name the parts to a friendly letter. Email me your child's answers. If they can name two out of the five, they earn a sticker on their table. This challenge is good until Friday!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Favorite Book

Hi Families,
For Thursday's Reader's Workshop lesson, students will need to have a favorite book from home. Please send it in THURSDAY morning. It will be returned after a few days. Thank you!! Also, tomorrow is BLUE day!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Color Week

Tomorrow we will start color week. This is fun for the children! If your child has something of that day's color to wear, please have them wear it to school! I know it will be hard to find something for every color so just do your best. We will read some books and do some various color activities. Tomorrow is RED day! Here are some pictures from last week from some small group centers, Reader's Workshop, and Math. I hope you all had a nice weekend!