Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Day Wrap Up

Our first day of First Grade went very well! No tears, only smiles! Of course there were plenty of yawns around the room towards the end of the day. These kiddos will have to get their bodies adjusted to a full day of school so expect them to come home exhausted and maybe saying school is "boring". The first couple of weeks are about managing the classroom, rules, expectations, and routines. We practice, practice, and practice. I know this can become tiresome for the children but it is important that we are consistent in routines during these next weeks.

Today we read several stories (Wemberly Worried, Manners at School, The Night Before First Grade, Lunch Bunnies), talked about feelings, introduced ourselves and had time to chat in small groups with new friends, did a quick writing sample (which I will keep for portfolios), read poems and the morning message, took a tour of the building, learned about our classroom rules and our behavior plans and much more. There was also time for some quiet activity with white boards/markers and pattern blocks. The students were also introduced to their OWL binders. I am finding that the rings won't close tightly which makes it hard to keep items from falling out. The larger folders (orange and blue) are causing the problem since I have never had a problem with the binder rings before. I will most likely end up getting new folders that match the size of the red ones and putting them in for the students soon. Please be patient with them for now! I apologize for the hassle.

Please make sure your child comes in with a snack and a drink (or 50 cents for a milk) each day. I believe that lunch went well and there were no issues in the cafeteria. I checked on the kids during my lunch and all seemed great! I hope the children are all snug in bed and ready for day two of First Grade.

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