Monday, January 27, 2014

Gumball Math!

Hi Families!
Today a notice was sent home regarding our new "Gumball Math" activity. I explained this to the students today and will continue to do so throughout the week. Friday will be our first quiz. I stressed the importance of both "no bragging" as well as "working hard to beat your own score, not someone else's". I want the students to feel proud when they earn a gumball but not discouraged if they don't. This is a fine line with first graders. This activity is for the children to challenge themselves each week and to practice facts that they each need to practice. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email me. I will try to send home the quizzes scored on Fridays but I may not always get to correct them since we do them at the end of the day. If I can't score them before the weekend they will be sent home on Monday. 

I also wanted to let you know that sometimes I will post from my IPad. When I post a new entry, the font can't be changed and the pictures come out a bit fuzzy and not always centered. I have to then go into my laptop to format it! So if you have noticed a change that is why. 

This week we are learning all about the American Symbols. Be on the lookout for a challenge soon!  

Also, a reminder that this Thursday is Literacy Night at our school! I'd love to see my students there! I will be there doing a read aloud as well as some other teachers. Please send back the forms if you would like to come! There is still time.

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