I just wanted to post with some updates regarding what we are learning about this week! We have started some new units in both Reading and Writing Workshop.
In Reading Workshop we have continued to explore the world of nonfiction. However, students are now working in their very first book club! The students had a first and second choice for the topic that they were interested in learning more about. Students are learning about reptiles, the ocean, America, dogs, cats, and horses! I am so proud of the work that they have been doing so far. We have learned that in order for a book club to be successful, students must be active listeners and contributors. They are learning that everyone should show respect and be part of the discussions that take place. Students have also learned that they should have a plan for their learning. They worked within their group today to write down some ideas of what they hope to learn more about within their topic. Here are some pictures from some of the work in their book clubs so far. I tried uploading a video clip. I am not so sure it will work but it's worth a try. :)
In Writing Workshop the students are learning about writing opinion pieces. They are learning that a strong opinion piece will include the opinion, reasons, and a concluding statement. They are doing a great job! Within the next week we will move from writing opinion pieces to writing persuasive letters! I will post some pictures from Writing Workshop soon.
It looks like the students are learning a useful and fun writing lesson!