Sunday, September 25, 2011

Odds and Ends

Our class has library on Fridays. We missed our library time due to the field trip this past Friday but I will try to send the kids in a few at a time to exchange books on Monday (the 26th). Library books can stay at home after checkout but should come back to school for library days. A good idea is to always keep it in the backpack.

We are having fun with our apple unit. The students learned about the word "schema" and used their schema to discuss what they already know about apples. We created a chart with their ideas and their new learning. Students also worked in cooperative groups to come up with ideas for our apple tree map to state what Apples Can, Apples Have, and Apples Are. We are working on seasons of the apple tree big books and also made fact books about apples. This coming week we will label the parts of an apple , finish up big books, sequence the growth of an apple, and make apple sauce!

In Phonics we are continuing to review how to work with sorts. We will sort pictures based on medial vowel sound and then soon sort words based on various factors. I am finishing up the September assessments to put students into groups based on their spelling level and students will begin to get their word lists to work with based on their need of instruction.

It was so nice to meet many of you at Open House! I am still waiting for some handbook sign off pages. Please print this off and send it in as soon as possible.

Pinwheels for Peace

Last Wednesday the 21st was World Peace Day. Our class teamed up with our big friends in Ms. Leach's third grade to create pinwheels for peace. A notice went home about this. The students worked with third graders to create the colorful and peaceful pinwheels. It was a fun project and the kids had a blast. Our class also focused on anti bullying and read "Chester Raccoon and the Big Bad Bully" and discussed how to be a peace-maker (rather than a peace-breaker). We created an anchor chart to show what we came up with.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sight Word Homework

Sight Word homework has started this week. There are only two brief homework activities for each night. If your child would like more practice each night you can most certainly keep working on them by playing games (make sets of cards and play memory),play detective type games where you lay all the cards up and then give clues, and much more. Sight Word homework, while brief, should be practiced each night rather than doing it all one night and returning on Friday. The students need to develop automaticity and daily/nightly practice is very beneficial.

This homework is also short in length as they will begin Math homework tomorrow night as well. Then in the coming weeks I will also add on reading homework and spelling homework. As always, reading with your child nightly should happen anyway!

You don't need to bring in the sight word homework packet each day. However, if you want to keep it in the folder so you have a spot for it each night that is fine. I won't collect it until Friday.

Feel free to email me with any specific questions. There will only be five words per week and I will assess the students on their sight word recognition throughout the year.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Clarification and a Happy Birthday!

When you go online to view the handbook, you should print off the signature page and sign and return (This states that you have read the handbook). Thank you to those that have sent it in already.
Happy Birthday to Megan today!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What Are We Learning? (...and some pictures!)

We are moving right along in Reader's Workshop by continuing in the "Building Good Habits" unit. We also discussed where readers can read and realized that readers can read EVERYWHERE! Students worked on a quick writing/illustration activity for a bulletin board. We are learning how to handle books properly and put them into correct baskets. We will learn how to "turn and talk" to a partner during reading, as well as how there are several ways to read a book. We create a lot of anchor charts in my classroom that the students can always refer to. We will continue this unit until about October and then learn about choosing "just right" books. Students will also begin to select their own books (with guidance for levels) for their book bags. Eventually they will "shop" for books on Mondays from my class library. Fun, fun!

In Writing Workshop we are learning that we can write many things. Again, we created an anchor chart for our classroom. We are learning that we too, can become authors like those surrounding us in my library. The students were eager to start writing about topics of their choosing. They will learn that when they are "done", they have just begun and there is always something they can be doing. Add to pictures, add to the words, or start a new piece.

In Math the students have played several games (ask your child about Top-It, Bunny Hop, or Penny Dice). They are reviewing and working with tally marks to represent numbers, comparing and ordering numbers, and forming numbers correctly. We also started our Math Journals. Students will paste in a math prompt and work on it independently (after they have read or listened to the prompt). I will not correct every journal page, rather I look at them each day and review for assessing. The pages will be dated. We will discuss them, however.
We are also moving right along in our color unit! Thank you to those that have supplied colorful snacks!

Some homework will begin next week such as Math and sight word activities. Eventually a packet will be sent home weekly to include spelling (Words Their Way) and reading/reading log homework. I will send home a detailed letter when the packets begin.

Here are some pictures of various activities from blue and orange day! (And you are only getting these pictures because I was able to borrow Ms. Leach's camera, lucky me!)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Handbook Pages

Happy Birthday last week to Mariah!

I have only received about 4 handbook sign off pages. Please return yours as soon as possible!

The students are doing a WONDERFUL job at adjusting to the full day of school. I am so proud of them. Many are already coming into the room with their OWL binders, checking for money/notes from home, and beginning their morning work quietly.

More pictures will be coming soon! Unfortunately my son broke my camera so once I get a new one you will see pictures more often.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Reader's Workshop

Today we started Reader's Workshop with our first mini lesson about good readers. I modeled reading a book to the students and they were asked to notice some of the things I did as a "good reader". We then created an anchor chart about what good readers do and then the students filled in their own sentence about what they can do to be a good reader. Tomorrow the students are bringing in a favorite book from home for a mini lesson on reading identities. We will make connections among classmates!

Red Day

Today we had our first color day and here are some pictures of some of the students in their red clothing doing some red word activities! We also read "Mary Wore Her Red Dress" and created a page for a class book.

Tomorrow is blue day, please try to send your child to school wearing something blue. We will practice this color word as well as read "Blueberries for Sal" and discuss story elements. :)