Monday, September 30, 2013

Sight Word Homework

Your child is coming home with their sight word packet tonight. It is not due until Friday. If they do finish before Friday, they can keep it in their blue folder but I will not collect it until this day. Please encourage neat handwriting and initial on the cover sheet. :)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Noun Time!

We learned about nouns for the first time last week and that a noun is in every sentence! We made a list of the categories (Person, Place, Thing) and added nouns under each one. I told them a little rhyme to help remember the categories as well. Ask your child about it! Each student then got three sticky notes. On their sticky they needed to write one noun - one for each category. Then we got to have a little walking time around the room to place our nouns on the correct poster! The students enjoyed this activity. We will be learning more about nouns all year long!

Buddy Reading!

In Reading Workshop last week we learned strategies for reading with a buddy. The students were put into partnerships or groups of three to practice reading together. We learned that they need to sit EEKK! "Elbow to elbow, knee to knee, book in the middle so we both can see!"  They also learned that partners plan out the ways in which they want to read their books (choral read, echo read, you read - I read). Lastly, they learned that partners THINK and TALK about their books together. They are doing a great job at reading with a partner! Here are a few pictures!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

15 Minutes of Fame!

On Monday we had another star student share something she is passionate about...gymnastics!!! Check out the photos! She even did a back walkover for the class to see! The whole class was excited to hear about her meets and what it is like being up on the beam! Ask your children about this star!


Some Apple Learning!

Hi everyone~
It was so nice to meet many of you at Open House on Monday! I am looking forward to seeing more of you in the classroom as soon as I set up the schedules. 

We have been integrating science and literacy/math this week while learning about apples! We made yummy applesauce in the crock pot and most of the students loved it according to our class tally chart! We discussed that writers write recipes and we wrote our own recipe for applesauce. We learned about the parts of an apple as well as diagrams and labels. We even made our own diagram of an apple. We read nonfiction text about apples with a partner and wrote down facts, then shared them out with the class. This is also part of our literacy center activities this week - writing about apples based on all that we have learned. Here are some pictures of some recent apple work!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Apple Orchard!

We had such a great time at the apple orchard and could not have asked for better weather! The kids were all so wonderful and we got lots of yummy Empire apples to take home. Here are some pictures from the field trip! I look forward to seeing you all on Monday evening!